- Pavo Supplements
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- Pavo Foal Milk
Pavo Foal Milk
Pavo Foal Milk
Pavo FoalMilk is an excellent replacement for mare’s milk, for orphan foals or foals whose mothers are not producing enough milk. Mare’s milk has a special composition with a high sugar content. Cow’s milk is very different from mare’s milk, which makes it less suitable for foals. Pavo FoalMilk is geared to the specific composition of mare’s milk and thus provides for the needs of orphan foals. Foals reared on Pavo FoalMilk develop normally and are a match for foals that are fed by mares.
Complete mare’s milk replacement
Specially formulated for horses
Easy to use
Do not prepare more foal milk than is required for a 12 hour period.
We recommend re-heating the pre-prepared foal milk or keeping it warm "au bain marie". The "au bain marie" method is heating above warm water. Take a large pan or bowl with a minimum content of 1liter and place this in or above a larger pan with hot water. The "au bain marie" method prevents curdling or scorching of the milk.
The foal milk can also be re-heated in a microwave.